Saturday, April 4, 2009

Darling It's Better Down Where It's Wetter.

I wonder what it would be like if humans could breathe underwater. Would some people decide to build their houses in lakes and start their own communities there with businesses, schools and playgrounds? Would they have their own set of laws and way of life or would they simply come up from their watery home each day, dry themselves off and join the rest of the world?

Since underwater cities don't seem to be a part of our near future, the next best thing is anything that lets us get as close to the water as possible, (besides actually diving under) whether it's a swimming pool that makes you feel like you survived a flood, a museum that exposes the seldom seen half of a lake, or a kayak or canoe in which it appears you are gliding over the water by magic.



1 comment:

Rachel said...

I used to think about this everyday.. I still do often.