Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Good Point

Shit is real, and if you have time you should watch some of the others because those are also real.

This one, for example:

Sunday, May 23, 2010


DANCES OF VICE is the art of nightlife once again revived. The creation of Shien Lee, Dances of Vice began in New York in 2007 as a venue showcasing an exotic melange of art, performance and music influenced by that special time in history, the 1920s and 30s. Since then, it has blossomed to include Victorian and Rococo themed events with a New Romantic flair, attracting a sordidly splendid menagerie of elegant dandies, aesthetes, dreamers and ne'er-do-wells who gather in shared enthusiasm for the music, fashion, culture, and beauty of times forgotten.(The Creator, Shien Lee)

Oh wow, this would be the absolute most amazing club ever. So much fun to be had. I can't imagine how cool it would be just to be there.
Mmmm, also--fire webs!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Leonara Carrington

(born 1917). Carrington burst onto the Surrealist scene in 1936, when, as a precocious nineteen-year-old debutante, she escaped the stultifying demands of her wealthy English family by running away to Paris with her lover Max Ernst. She was immediately championed by Andre Breton, who responded enthusiastically to her fantastical, dark and satirical writing style and her interest in fairy tales and the occult. Her stories were included in Surrealist publications, and her paintings in the Surrealists' exhibitions. After the dramas and tragic separations of the Second World War, Carrington ended up in the 1940s as part of the circle of Surrealist European emigres living in Mexico City. Close friends with Luis Bunuel, Benjamin Peret, Octavio Paz and a host of both expatriate Surrealists and Mexican modernists, Carrington was at the centre of Mexican cultural life, while still maintaining her European connections.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm A Shark

hahaha. Oh my god this girl is amazing.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two Beings

There was the cat, asleep. He ordered a cup of coffee, slowly stirred the sugar, sipped it (this pleasure had been denied him in the clinic), and thought, as he smoothed the cat’s black coat, that this contact was an illusion and that the two beings, man and cat, were as good as separated by a glass, for man lives in time, in succession, while the magical animal lives in the present, in the eternity of the instant.
--Jorge luis Borges "El sur"

Oh, Sartorialist...

(This is who I want to be when I'm old.)

how I love you.

The Good Life

According to legend, all of the designs that appeared on tepees were given to their first human owners in dreams or visions. In these, the original animal owner of the lodge appeared to the sleeper and promised to give him his own painted lodge which was the source of his supernatural powers.
The painted area around the bottom of the tepee cover is referred to as the Bottom Skirt. Bottom skirt designs utilized motifs that symbolized the earth's surface. This paid spiritual tribute to the importance of Mother Earth as the source of all physical life. Conversely, the painted tops of tepees represented the upper limit of the physical world and therefore symbolized Father Sky. All human events were contained between these two boundaries - Mother Earth below and Father Sky above. Thus the events of humans, animals, birds, etc. were depicted around the sides or middle of the tepee between these upper and lower boundaries.

Duality of Life

The Black Jaguar represents the duality of life: the forces of light and dark. The sun and the moon. day and night, life and death, death and re-birth, truth and illusion. With its highly reflective eyes it was thought that the Jaguar had the power of divination and the ability to see into the future. The Jaguar is revered as a divine figure and the possessor of knowledge. The Toltec’s believed that the Yellow Jaguar was the Sun God who became a Black Jaguar at night to travel unseen in the spirit world. Eclipses were caused when the Jaguar swallowed the Sun and the Black Jaguar could be born into the earth reality when the sun returned.