Monday, November 30, 2009

Something to Think About

“And so onwards along the path of wisdom, with a hearty tread, a hearty confidence! However you may be, be your own source of experience! Throw off your discontent about your nature; forgive yourself your own self, for you have in it a ladder with a hundred rungs, on which you can climb to knowledge.”

— Nietzsche (Aphorism 292 - Human, All Too Human)

This is pretty much my life philosophy. And I've tried to explain it to somebody before but he said it best.

Also, I'm writing a paper on existentialism right now so I've been doing a lot of research. Another really interesting book I just read related to this quote is "Existentialism Is a Humanism" by Sarte.

:" nothing to begin with. He creates his essence--his self, his being--through the choices he freely makes. Were it not for the contingency of his death, he would never end. Choosing to be this or that is to affirm the value of what we choose."

Color Theory


“Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous.”

— Anais Nin

The Mask

What keeps us from seeing the beauty and humor of humanity dressed up in personality masks is that we interpret through our mind. The mind adds dialogue of descriptions and interpretations about what we see. Most come from the voices of the inner judge and victim. We then hypnotize ourselves by believing what we think about what we see. Our attention fixates on these descriptions and we perceive our descriptions instead of perceiving the world directly.

(I don't know where this came from)

Meredith Dittmar

Dittmars human-animal-plant-energy amalgams contain threads of common elements and colors to express deep levels of union across themes of biology, technology, and consciousness . Her characters are frequently involved in quiet expressive moments, or lounge facing their audience so they can share their inner space. Dittmar believes it is this space we recognize in ourselves, and through convening in that space, the interconnectedness of all things is revealed. She sees the act of spontaneous artistic creation as part of a larger practice of being present, and a way to better understand herself and reality.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Reading List

My current reading material:

It is insanely interesting. Here is something:
"Be aware of the mind--its bright side, its dark side, its right, its wrong. Whatever polarity it is, you just be aware of it. Two things will come out of that awareness: first, that you are not the mind, and second, that awareness has a decisiveness that mind never has."

I'm Only Me

I feel too much
That's what's going on.
Do you think one can feel too much?
Or just feel in the wrong ways?
My insides don't match up with my outsides.
Do anyone's insides and outsides match up?
I don't know. I'm only me.
Maybe that's what a person's personality is:
the difference between the inside and outside.

Good Parts

Take it all back.
Life is boring, except
for flowers, sunshine,
your perfect legs.
A glass of cold water
when you are really thirsty.
The way bodies fit together.
Fresh and young and sweet.
Coffee in the morning.
These are just moments.
I struggle with the in-betweens.
I just want to never stop loving
like there is nothing else to do,
because what else is there to do?

Spinal Tap

I was lost in the lakes
And the shapes that your body makes
That your body makes, that your body makes
That your body makes

The mountains said I could find you here
They whispered the snow and the leaves in my ear
I traced my finger along your trails
Your body was the map, I was lost in it
And with your soft fingers between my claws
Like purity against resolve
I could tell, then and there, that we were formed from the clay
And came from the rocks for the earth to display

They told me to be careful up there
Where the wind blows a venomous rage through your hair
They told me to be careful up there
Where the wind rages through your hair


Kelie Bowman:


Supermarket Sarah.
Sarah's living room wall works as a virtual shop, covered in found treasures, art and unique vintage finds. Each piece on the wall is for sale

My pick would be this dress by Scott Ramsay Kyle.
It was made on special commission for a stylist who wanted it for Lindsey Lohan. I guess they changed their mind. And that is going to make someone very happy indeed.

OOOOOOhhhh man. I would love to wear it.

One More Thing

I love her artist statement:

"Time spent gathering, cleaning and storing of collected objects, whether they are man-made or natural, allows for a kind of wonder and intimacy with each object. This gleaned information is crucial while combining materials to make new, hybrid forms.

Structures of all kinds from cellular and mineral to plant and skeletal, inform the work. The pieces become a collaboration of materials and intention, with the materials often altering my concept and practice of working. Various temporal and delicate objects I elect to work with often mirror our human sensitivities and vulnerabilities.

For the most part these three-dimensional drawings are presented on the wall. They are made as singular pieces and often come together in larger wall installations. The individual works relate to and play off of each other like words forming sentences or sentences telling a story.

I transform the materials used in these sculptural drawings to bring attention to fragile and often fugitive objects that might otherwise go unnoticed"

Mari Andrews

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Out of Doors

The artist is Mari Andrews.
She reminds me of this book:


One of my absolute favorite blogs had this amazing video on it

which led me to the Dr. Bronner website. I haven't even tried this soap yet but have always wanted to. Now it's definitely next on my list. Anyways, while there I found this and many more videos which are all worth watching.

So touching. I love people like this.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What Were You Thinking?

Hahahahaha. Ok so I haven't been watching gossip girl at all this season, but this is so funny.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Oh, my wrists are weak,
But if I could, I’d lift your body-
Out of a crash of the waves,
Out of bed or onto me...
I know my ego's weak so thought if I could lift your body,
And wake up out of air, the night's too short, you're on to me.
Why am I always acting timid and too careful?
Please, before I tell you I'm not worth the worry, hurry....
Oh my wrist's are weak, I carry weight like a shadow.
So pull me next to the window, pull me next to the light.
Hurry, hurry, hurry
I like to hurry when I'm on you
Hurry, hurry, hurry

I just bought their Sainthood album and I've been listening to it every day. So good.

This Distance

Do this in your bedroom. Determine the wall in your bedroom that faces (or approximately faces) the Pacific ocean. Now determine the exact distance of the closest path to the Pacific ocean from your bedroom (this can easily be done online) Now, on the wall, write the following: "The Pacific ocean is (enter calculated distance) miles away from here." Think about this distance every time you look at the wall. ---David Horvitz

In the Future

For books that you read when you are traveling, keep the documentations of the travel (receipts, ticket stubs, etc) in the pages of the book. In the future, when you open the book, you will know where it has been.

Made of These

MMMMMMMHMMMMMMM. These photos are all from an ad campaign by the clothing brand Lyell. Amazing Amazing. You know how sometimes pictures make you really, really happy because you love everything about them. These are like that.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Ways In

“There are ways in, journeys to the center of life, through time; through air, matter, dream and thought. The ways are not always mapped or charted, but sometimes being lost, if there is such a thing, is the sweetest place to be. And always, in this search, a person might find that she is already there, at the center of the world. It may be a broken world, but it is glorious nonetheless.”

— The Woman Who Watches Over the World: A Native Memoir, Linda Hogan

Aglow From the Light

The Whispering Kind

Amazing, beautiful song. Perfect for this time of year. Better without the video. Don't look (:

Eyes Closed

We Can See It with Our Eyes Closed, Joy Harjo

You ask me what I am thinking when we make love
and our eyes are closed and the sun is climbing halfway
to the roof and the neighborhood dogs are all in love
with the spirit dog who makes the rounds and tortures them
with dreams of hills and running with the smell of heat
and then the train adds to the song of progress
making a web from city to city,

backdoor to backdoor and I know it is possible to
fly without the complications of metal and engineering
and all the payoffs, paybacks and terrible holes
in the earth and here we are in the territory of the wind,
surrounded by devils and thieves, forgotten by a trickster god
who has a wicked sense of humor
yet there is something quite compelling
about this skin we’re in, a solid planet of gases and water
doesn’t tell the whole story. I am intrigued by cloud
language and see you approaching as a red flower in a meadow

of yellow, or you are an apparition of rain just before or after
a famine of butterflies. We make an electrical reaction
like carbon dioxide, and did I remember to blow out
the candles lit for those who are dying and are leaving
or will leave this place? Grief is a land of wet tenderness. We are all
dying and will leave a trail like the plane jetting east in the direction
that becomes all directions, becomes all the millions of souls here together
looking for god or a little something to eat,
all of us blown away by the mystery of nothingness
as we shop in the streets for trinkets or bread.
We’ve been here before, thinking in skin and our pleasure
and pain feed the plants, make clouds. I see it with my eyes
closed. It’s so beautiful.